Tuesday 30 July 2013

Fitness First

This blog is just my way of being able to look over all the activities and clubs that I have been a part of, it is a way in which I can reflect upon all the things that I have achieved, the places I have been or the places I have worked.

For many years I have been a member of Templar Martial Arts, this is a kick-boxing club and through my time with them I have achieved Brown Belt Black Tag  which is two belts before black belt. I have been a kickboxer for over 4 years and it is a great way to improve fitness, balance and flexibility. I have never stopped enjoying this sport and after a good hour session I always feel very relaxed.

Through kick boxing I have been given the opportunity to attend gradings (where we are able to earn a new belt), seminars (such as interactive sessions on self defence), and fights (during which we compete with other members of the club or members from other clubs).

In 2010 I was awarded student of the month, this was due to my commitment and hard work. The idea of this award is to recognise that a particular member has worked to improve and to inspire everyone to work harder.

Once you get to Blue belt, in order to continue on to Brown belt, you must compete in a fight and so, at 15 years old, I competed in my first fight with another member of Templar Martial Arts. The pairs are put together by the instructor who knows each member personally. Your ability to go into the ring with somebody is dependant on weight, you must be of a similar weight to fight somebody. So, due to the fact that I was a fairly skinny teenager, I was matched with a girl 4 years my junior. Each fight consists of three 2 minute rounds, and are all very exhausting. I went on to win the fight and received a trophy, along with all other participants. The experience, although tiring, was very enjoyable and I would do it again if I was given the opportunity. 

Photograph of my fight in 2011 - my guard really should be up!

If you really want to work your way up the ranks in any club, you have to do so by earning belts, and in order to earn belts, you must attend gradings. Gradings consist of a warm up; which depending on the belt you are going for can either range from three 2 minute rounds to six 2 minute rounds
Photograph of a warm up

After this, you carry out pad work with a partner and do a range of punch-kick combinations: 
Pad Work

and following three 2 minute rounds of pad work, you then go on to spar. Sparring is where you partake in combat with a partner, wearing protective equipment of course! 

And finally, everybody gathers around in a circle and my instructor would pick two people who would spar in the enclosure of the ring which has been created. 

Sparing in a circle
There may be additional activities which must be carried out by people aiming to achieve the higher belts. These include grappling; a personal favourite, in which two people compete on their knees (on mats) and try to get their opponent to 'tap out', another activity is where members have to display their control with nunchuks or with sticks. Lastly: A Kata: 'kata' is a Japanese word which describes detailed choreographed patterns, if you are member of Templar Martial Arts you are asked to do a kata at Brown belt Black tag, Black tag and then Black belt, and each kata becomes increasingly difficult. It is a way of highlighting your control, fluidity and accuracy. 
Every aspect of a grading is designed so that you are able to push yourself to the limit, every member is able to go at the pace which matches their own ability, but when you really try and you work hard, your efforts are commended. 

If you are interested in becoming a member of Templar Martial Arts and training with a 4th dan Black belt instructor, you can have a look at their website http://www.thekickboxer.co.uk/

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